I guess the biggest difference between myself now and myself before graduation is that I am awake at 12:45 a.m. It feels like college never happened somehow. I feel really powerful moments where I am consumed by this feeling like I need to be in Gainesville doing something, but then I remember that right now my only obligation is to Honda for a car payment and to O.C. Whites. It's hard to adjust to having less to do. I have actual free time now! It's wonderful. I watched episodes of The Office on Hulu, went to the beach with my bestie, and took Tristan to the park.
My new car is amazing. I am so scared something is going to happen to it. That's just me, being afraid of every nice thing that comes my way.
My job is fun. I enjoy being around people. I can't believe how many years I spent working in retail. And it wasn't even that many. I guess I am just one of those people who needs to do something. And retail is not conducive to actual activity.
I drank coffee tonight, and its wearing off in a hurry. Time to crash.