Things I am reflecting on:
1. How I should be writing a novel, not a blog. And yet...
2. Sonny's. Because food has been my only priority as of late.
3. My wonderful weekend in Amelia Island with Josh. It was nice to get away. And incase you are wondering, yes, I did sleep a full 12 hours in the soft hotel bed. It was everything I hoped for and more.
4. PA school and this blog I found from a girl who went through PA school. It's really shedding some light on the whole process.
5. My allergies. Are they real? ARE THEY? The answer is yes. They most certainly are.
6. How wonderful today's weather was. This is how October SHOULD feel. It was absolute perfection.
7. 500 Days of Summer. I love Zooey Deschanel.
8. I should hopefully start volunteering at Shands Jax soon. Infant Cuddling! I hope that it is what I am imagining it to be- which is a way to meet nurses who are experienced in Women's Health and Pediatrics and who can talk to me about the career. It probably won't be like that at all though. At least it'll be hours for my resume!
9. I need a PA to shadow.
10. 10 is a good, round number.