Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2

Indulging in a Gilmore Girls marathon on the couch.... nothing has ever felt so right! It's nice to be in the living room... something about this tiny apartment drives me and Corey to be in the bedroom constantly (it isn't how it sounds... theres just no where to "be" in this apartment). I managed to shake my headache, no doubt brought on by my allergies. Today we planned to run at 11:00 but we both decided it wasn't worth the drive. I can't wait to live somewhere that allows for neighborhood running.
Didn't eat very healthily today! However, work was easy and I got to watch Rachael's wedding makeup consultation at Sephora, so that was fun :) Went to alehouse with the Season's crew... that was also fun.

Boring post! However, I did decide to make more of an effort to cook at home... a bad bought of nacho's nudged me in the right direction on that one.

Good morrow!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1

Day one.... 1.25 mile run at Riverside park, healthy breakfast and lunch. Also.... HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER MARATHON