Thursday, August 13, 2009

Because Too Much is Never Enough

Tomorrow, if all goes according to plan, you will get to meet Cassidy, perhaps Lyla and Maggie. One of the three is batshit insane, and the other two are not so different

Tonight, you get to hear about my fantastic vacation and how I cant stop missing the beauty that is San Francisco. I was reluctant to love it, mostly because of the way that everyone who has been there raves about it. I'm not a contrarian or anything, but I just couldn't imagine it living up to the hype.

"I'm warning you Barb, you are going to want to live there. Everyone wants to live there," said Josh.
"We'll see. I doubt it though," responded Barb, challenging him for no apparent reason.

And yet now I am eating my words... choking on them in fact. The most appealing part of San Francisco, and the thing I noticed first, was the weather. It's hard not to notice perfection: 59 degree lows, 62 degree highs.... as someone who has lived in the south her whole life, this seems impossible. And yet, California slapped me in the face with its blue skies and lofty breezes, enslaving me like it has so many others.

Everyone in San Francisco is beautiful. In the time that we spent there, not only did I not spot 1 obese person, but I also did not see one person in spandex who did not belong in spandex... and mind you, there was A LOT of that material roaming the streets. I always thought that being around so many young, attractive people would be threatening. However, the opposite phenomenon seemed to occur for me and my 2 traveling companions. Being around young, attractive people made us in turn feel more attractive too. There is a positive energy in that town that is alluring and contagious, and we definitely indulged a bit.

There was one particular night, one sunset, that was special to me. We had just emerged from a late-afternoon showing of Julia and Julie (wonderful- applause to Meryl and Amy for once again doing good work!) and we were walking back from the theater. It was a downhill shot, and I don't know if you are familiar with San Fran, but when you are up you are UP and vice versa altitude wise. So we are at the top of this giant hill and the walk down is so steep that they have actually chiseled stairs into the sidewalk so that pedestrians like us would not topple over to our death. We paused for a good while at the top of this hill, because the view was absolutely perfect. The sun was setting behind the Golden Gate Bridge, and the entire bay was illuminated. Everything just felt so right, and me and my boyfriend walked home and thouroughly enjoyed it. Because we couldn't stand to separate from the crisp air, we invited it into our hotel via a convieniently placed sliding glass door (leading to an even more conveniently placed balcony).

I'm rambling about that night because it pretty much sums up how I felt the entire trip (when I wasn't exhausted from all of the walking): completely and utterly comfortable.

Earlier in the summer my boyfriend's family and I took a trip to Seattle and the surounding areas (Vancouver, Victoria, Forks- Hello Twilighters!). I kept comparing San Fran to this trip the whole time because they happened to be so close together. It's amazing how you can love two things so differently. Seattle and San Fran are very very different, and I loved them both. Washington was lush and expansive. Being allowed to drive on their highways felt like a privlidge, because everywhere we looked was absolutely stunning. Something about that place felt untouched, like America's best kept secret (... secrets out!)
San Fran is so popular, and for good reason. It was sunny and light where Seattle was rich and enticing. I wish that I could better explain the places, but its difficult to put into words the feelings that a place can inspire in you.

Instead... I will post pictures! Just as soon as I get back to a computer that isn't this one.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Through the years I've had the luxury of traveling around. I enjoyed reading your interpretation of San Fran, it matched my own. I also loved Seattle as well. Both are extremely endearing cities that we are lucky to have in the states. Continue writing and I will continue reading!
