Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's Been A While

That title is a nod to the song by Staind which I felt compelled to listen to. So I am. I love technology for that reason... I can do whatever I like (almost).

Anyway, I got a lot of writing done today, which was wonderful. I worked an 8 hour shift at The Hut (Uniform Outlet) and though it was a long day I couldn't help but remember how lucky I am to be employed. So many people would kill for my job- its easy, comfortable, and ... temporary. Okay, they wouldn't kill for that part. The Uniform Outlet will be closing in January, which is eerily perfect because I would have had to quit anyway because come spring I will be doing a partial internship, i.e. going to an elementary school every morning of the week. I am excited for that.

I am still torn about getting my masters degree. I fear if I don't do it now, I will never be able to. Everyone says it doesn't matter, and yet I hear that it does. I just want to work and make money and be stable for a little while. I feel like every place I have lived for the past 5 years has been temporary. I am lucky though in that respect too because its just different places in the same general area, which different but awesome people.

Tomorrow I will post an excerpt from my book. It's really coming along, and moving in a direction that I didn't anticipate. Its cliche I know, but its almost like its directing me.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Oh That I Can Update.

Brand new computer! BRAND NEW UPDATE!

It will be cute and brief, like the cute briefs sitting across from me on the couch. (He doesn't read this though, so my nod to him will go unnoticed.)

Anyway, viva la macbook!