Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What to do

I feel completely empowered, like I can do anything I want to do.

So.. what do I want to do?

FSU has a lot of great programs, and since I don't think I'd get back into UF anyway, FSU seems like a viable option.

I love the meteorology program, but that seems very math oriented. They have a lot of great environmental programs, but I can't help but feel drawn to more medically-centered programs too! I guess the practical application of a medical degree appeals to me. I love so many things that it is hard for me to pick.

Decision is the mother of all confusion.

Though, I was able to decide on a couch set for the new apartment that I don't live in quite yet.

I love the simplicity of the design of most Asian restaurants. It's going to be hard to fit my life into such a streamlined design scheme. We shall overcome.

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