Thursday, February 28, 2013

Texas 3

The SS Good Feelings has docked and I am feeling wildly uncomfortable and irritable. Perhaps it was because of the 2 hours I spent driving around the FW Dallas Metropolis trying to find this job interview that turned out to be a dud. A dud because the place smelled like urine, and the job was teaching 4 year olds. WHY DID I EVEN SHOW UP?

Because I have a pathological need to be wanted, and I thought "hey, maybe". MAYBE NOT. Maybe never. Lesson learned for the 15th time. Hey, at least I learned it BEFORE accepting the job. Remind me why I went to this interview again? Maybe because it feels so good to say "no".

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Texas 2

This is fun. Since I happen to be on a journey of self discovery, my assignment for today was appropriate. I was required to take a Meyers-Briggs Inventory for a UF online class and here is my personality profile:


With Extraverted Intuitive personality types, words, ideas and possibilities spew effortlessly from them. Words are their best friends. They dance around ideas, the more, the merrier. Imaginative, spontaneous, original and enthusiastic, they have a knack for seeing other possibilities, other dreams and options. The world is never as it is but as it could be, as if it were but an artists sketch begging for colour. They initiate change and often are prone to trespassing a few known boundaries to take themselves and others where no one has been before. The status quo tends to lack inspiration.
When inspired, they are fearless and tireless. Their energy will know no limits unless red tape takes over. Routine drags them down. Their faith in possibilities and belief in the benefit of change often inspire others to follow. They are challenging, ingenious and innovative. They will give their best to what appears to be an impossible challenge, a place unknown to man or beast.
They use metaphors, stories, images and analogies to make their point.They love theories and often shape their own. They see patterns emerging. Keen improvisers, they are rarely caught off guard, there is always some thing up their sleeve. The sky is the only limit.
They are sometimes entertainers, artists or otherwise engaged in public demonstrations that allow their ideas to bloom. Their greatest difficulty is not in initiating projects but in choosing among so many possibilities, setting realistic boundaries, establishing priorities and correctly assessing resources.

ENFP: Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving. 

More interesting, here is the opposite personality profile of me: 

Introverted Sensing personality types are dependable, reliable and trustworthy. NOT ME! They like to belong to solid organisations that are reasonable in their ambitions and loyal to their employees I DONT WANT TO BELONG TO ANYTHING. They feel useful when their roles and responsibilities are clearly established and they can monitor their activities and productivity in tangible ways LIKE NUMBERS AND SHIT?. They tend to be rather modest, traditional and conventional, to like sensible clothing SEE: CRUISE PICTURES 2013, to be thrifty, careful and wise with both money and possessions HOARDING MCHOARDERSHITZ.
Once they accept a project, they will see it to the end. They manage their time well and are realistic about how much time and resources will be needed AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT.
They tend to like to stay in one neighbourhood EEEEH, WRONG, often choosing to live close to where they were themselves raised NEAR A METH LAB. They are often involved with volunteer organisations and have a developed sense of citizenship and accountability. When they purchase something, it is after careful consideration; rarely will they buy something without having a known need or use for it THAT SOUNDS AWFUL. They may keep possessions for a lifetime and treasure those that were given to them OR THROW THINGS AWAY IN A FIT OF ANGER ONCE A MONTH OR SO. 
They tend to have a good memory for specific facts that are necessary in their day-to-day life at work and at home. They accumulate facts and details to orient themselves, relying on repeated experiences that have been proven trustworthy I'LL ALLOW IT. A fact once experienced may be the product of circumstance and happenstance; it is not in and of itself reliable FILTHY LIES. When an introverted sensing type hears an idea, they rummage through reams of archived facts to find an experience that provides information for the relevance and realism of an idea. When an introverted sensing type utters, "It's never been done!" they are saying that no information about the relevance or usefulness of the idea is available to them. They tend to shy away from surprises and what is perceived as unnecessary change HOW UTTERLY BORING.

Photo of the day:

Up next: Whatever I want, gosh.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Texas 1

30 Days of rest starts today.

It's 11:37 am. I'm in my new (temporary) home in Texas. We will be at Corey's dad's until August. It's such a cozy house. Katniss greeted me last night with the enthusiasm I expected. It still warms my hear to see her. There is no love like the love one feels for a dog.

Tyler and I decided to make the drive in one fell swoop. I was glad not to have to bother with a hotel. He was wonderful and did a lot of the driving. I made myself close my eyes and listen to my iPod. Really, truly listen- something I haven't done in a very long time. Death Cab for Cutie aided my mediation. I found myself repeating the following phrase- "Allow yourself to listen". I am so vigilant when Corey drives. I would never close my eyes. I barely trust any other drivers at all. The drive to Texas was mostly free of traffic, so I didn't feel the usual car-induced tension that prohibits me from relaxing.

So I listened to my music and closed my eyes and let it wash over me, let it wash away my sanity (Hilary Duff reference?)

Today I plan to catch up on homework, be with my boyfriend, and work on my novel. I helped Mindy pick out shoes on the internet and needled her to go get her hair professionally "relaxed" because change is fun and I already changed my own hair once this week. There is a possibility of Pizza Rolls in my immediate future. Nourish the body, nourish the soul.

That's it. That is absolutely it.

Up Next: An Update of Tour of My Homes. Which place will it be next??!! (Chronologically, there's only one answer to this question).

Photo of the Day: I thought this one would be appropriate, a way to pay homage to my move.