Well, I'm back at grandma's house breathing the air, reacting to the dust, and eating the food. I worried that it would feel like I was moving back in time, but really it just feels like... nothing. I moved my room around and threw away a LOT of stuff. It feels good to trash things.
Life is too short.
This is a collection of my thoughts. I collect thoughts, much like I used to collect free coupons from the automatic coupon dispensers at Publix. Have you ever been to a Publix? Just delightful.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Last days at High Springs!
Yesterday was the last day of my internship. Wow, wow, wow. Adorable and slightly heart wrenching. Even though I am sure the children will forget me, in the last minutes when they were crying and saying goodbye I felt like I had all of the appreciation and love that I could ever hope from a job. Mrs. R had them go around and say one nice thing about us and some of them were a little funny, like when one kid said, "Well... bye! High five!" Some were sad, like when one boy said, "I don't like it when people I have known for a long time leave me". I happen to know his parents are getting a divorce, so that made me really sad. I started to tear up when he said that, and when the girls noticed that three or four of them started crying too. They quickly forgot why they were crying though when we walked them to lunch, so I am confident that their fragile emotional psyche is going to be okay. Mrs. R was generous and I am going to miss how kindhearted she is. It's rare to meet someone so... nice. It's kind of a cop-out to call someone "nice" but thats just really what she is. Nice. Sweet as honey.
I got an orchid plant, some cards, drawings, a gift card, a candle, and a laminated class picture. I am going to start a teacher book and put drawings and cards and things in there, so I am excited about that... you will find me in the scrap booking section of Michaels if you need to reach me in the next.. millennia. Kids are so generous and so pure- even if they do claim to love grand theft auto (whose parents let that happen, btw?)
Yesterday Meg, Meg, and I hung out with Dr. Zeig for like an hour after class and she invited us to help her at a benefit that happened today. Me and Meg N. were able to go, and it was wonderful. Zeig is a representative for Kelly's Kids, a clothing store that operates like pampered chef parties, and they donated kids clothes for a fashion show that happened at the end of the benefit. The benefit was raise money for cancer research at Shands. These children were incredible. They had been through hell and back and still had a smile on their little faces. Even more shocking was how positive and kind their parents were. They certainly did not walk around with an overwhelmed, defeated 'oh, my life' look on their faces AT all, which I thought a parent of a sick child must look like. Instead, they were strong and positive. It was wonderful to see. The clothes were adorable; everyone looked adorable decked out in plaid and polka dots. The girls who still had hair wore large bows, but when it came time to walk the runway the show coordinator gave them a sailor hat to wear. They were slightly disappointed to cover their large, colorful bows :)
Zeig is a baller, by the way. I totally want to be like her when i'm in my thirities. Mostly because she teaches/researches exactly what i am interested in (literacy) and somehow still affords a nice car. Living the dream haha. I do plan to follow through on getting a car sometime in the next two months and I am SO thrilled. CALL ME, OC WHITES.
:) Like the cheesy, chalk-colored shirts claim: Life is Good.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Little T.

Today we went to the beach and T used a shovel and pail for the first time. He discovered his first sea shell ever. J asked while we stood there and watched him, "Can you imagine what it is like for him? He is discovering his first sea shell. He has never seen anything like a 'sea shell' before". It's amazing to discover things. I hope that we never stop discovering things.
We toured UCF today, sans Little T, and I think that J was impressed. The city is huge and filled with places for me to spend money, so don't you worry. Don't you worry for one second. Money will be spent.
Actually, I really have been making a concerted effort to save. I know I've said it before but I am very serious about it this time. I want to save enough so that I don't constantly have to worry about over drafting every time I get gas. Or buy a Miley song off iTunes. You know? You've been there, right?
Today J and I did a lot of yard work. Well, it would more accurately be described as "driveway work" but it was intense. We raked and swept and poured and clipped. It looks significantly better, though with the large amount of rain anticipated in this area tomorrow I'm sure the leaves will come flooding back from their hiding places in his jungle-like yard. Oh well! It feels good to do the work none the less. And, now I can see his front stairs. Hoorah!
It was a wonderful day. Lots of time spent outdoors, lots of love going around, and a brief moment of confusion when A went missing (thats right, A. An elephant never forgets). All and all, I would say Second Spring Break has been wonderful. I spent Easter with my family (more of my family than I was used to seeing in fact!). I went to church which felt absolutely wonderful. I have watched good movies (17 Again, Vicky Christina Barcelona, I Love You Man). I visited my best friend at her cute house.
And I had a chance encounter with a friend of my mothers that really made me think. This woman has such an incredible story. She has stage 4 cancer, and I have never interacted with someone with that diagnosis before. She really made me think of some things that I had never considered before. We are all on timed schedules... some people just happen to know their time. There is no barrier between the sick and the healthy, because we are all capable of death. I know it sounds morbid, but really its kind of.. uniting.
Anyway.... I... yah thats all. I am going to jump in a pool now.
Vicky Christina Barcelona

Vicky Christina Barcelona is the king (queen?) of sexy movies. Here is why:
1. It takes place in Barcelona. Anything filmed in Europe is exotic to us silly Americans. This movie showcased a lot of great architecture and art, which makes me feel like I need more culture in my life.
2. Everyone it is fabulous sexy. Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson, Javier Bardem, Rebecca Hall... need I say more? If I do need to say more, what I will say is: Google it.
3. Javier and Penelope speak spanish. And I love that.
4. It was directed by Woody Allen. I have never been disappointed by something that he's done. His work is so distinctive. I noticed his signature touch all over the narration.
I'm not a movie reviewer. All I know is that this movie made me and Lauren want to go to Barcelona and speak spanish all the live long day.
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