Today we went to the beach and T used a shovel and pail for the first time. He discovered his first sea shell ever. J asked while we stood there and watched him, "Can you imagine what it is like for him? He is discovering his first sea shell. He has never seen anything like a 'sea shell' before". It's amazing to discover things. I hope that we never stop discovering things.
We toured UCF today, sans Little T, and I think that J was impressed. The city is huge and filled with places for me to spend money, so don't you worry. Don't you worry for one second. Money will be spent.
Actually, I really have been making a concerted effort to save. I know I've said it before but I am very serious about it this time. I want to save enough so that I don't constantly have to worry about over drafting every time I get gas. Or buy a Miley song off iTunes. You know? You've been there, right?
Today J and I did a lot of yard work. Well, it would more accurately be described as "driveway work" but it was intense. We raked and swept and poured and clipped. It looks significantly better, though with the large amount of rain anticipated in this area tomorrow I'm sure the leaves will come flooding back from their hiding places in his jungle-like yard. Oh well! It feels good to do the work none the less. And, now I can see his front stairs. Hoorah!
It was a wonderful day. Lots of time spent outdoors, lots of love going around, and a brief moment of confusion when A went missing (thats right, A. An elephant never forgets). All and all, I would say Second Spring Break has been wonderful. I spent Easter with my family (more of my family than I was used to seeing in fact!). I went to church which felt absolutely wonderful. I have watched good movies (17 Again, Vicky Christina Barcelona, I Love You Man). I visited my best friend at her cute house.
And I had a chance encounter with a friend of my mothers that really made me think. This woman has such an incredible story. She has stage 4 cancer, and I have never interacted with someone with that diagnosis before. She really made me think of some things that I had never considered before. We are all on timed schedules... some people just happen to know their time. There is no barrier between the sick and the healthy, because we are all capable of death. I know it sounds morbid, but really its kind of.. uniting.
Anyway.... I... yah thats all. I am going to jump in a pool now.
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