As I sit here at Josh's watching NCIS I thought it might be appropriate to include a picture of Tristan. His first time on the slide was hilarious! He went down with me the first time and then we helped him down the rest of the time. Josh lives in this awesome neighborhood that is full of trees yet still directly across the street from the beach. It has a park, an awesome pool, hot tub, tennis courts, and a private entrance to a gazebo that leads to the beach. Basically its a little slice of heaven... I'm sure I'll miss the neighborhood when they sell the house.
Anywho... where was I with my second grade classroom?
VB- The russian born girl with the speech impediment... she gets more and more interesting every day. She is so smart when it comes to science and LOVES to raise her hand. She also bullies EL... I think I mentioned that in the last one.
CK- CK is the model future-engineer. He is quiet, well behaved, and intelligent. His mother is super involved, which to me is indicative of a pleasant home life. This is probably why he's so gosh darn cute and well behaved. He is rather quiet.
M... Oh gosh what is M's last name? M is a little sarcastic boy who reminds me of every one of my male friends from high school. He rolls his eyes when he is angry and makes hilarious comments when he is not. He will definitely be the comic relief of his friends group someday. Unfortunately, he has a bad attitude when he doesn't get what he wants.
AC- AC is my little favorite (of course teachers have favorites). He is wide eyed, round faced, and absolutely loveable. He is an oddly slow reader for such a smart child. He always goes to the bathroom at inappropriate times. Love him. Am I repeating myself from the last update?
AF- AF is little, sassy, and fantastic. Thats all I have to say about that. Yep, I am definitely repeating myself.
ME- I think I am forgetting last names. I don't know whats up with me tonight. The point is ME is Texas loud and Texas proud. She is one of the smartest second graders I have ever seen. She asked to go home and make a poster about stuff she found on the internet about native americans. Gotta love that!
KO- KO is a pain in the rear, but she is clever for sure. Mrs. R taught her father when he was in the second grade and says he knew how to irritate people as well. Must run in the family. Yet, I like her.
TW- TW is behind in most subjects and is labeled by the teacher as "emotionally manipulative at times". She has a rough home life and could definitely use some help. She is a sweet heart. We were drawing pictures of what job we wanted to do when we got older, and she copied my picture down to the last stripe on my dress.
RM- RM gives many, many hugs. She has divorced parents. Something about her just screams "needy". But really, she's not that bad. I still don't know what to make of her.
DD- DD is your average camo wearing second grader. Gifted in science. Enough said.
EL- EL is the girl that I will be UFLI-training. I don't even know if thats how "UFLI" can be used grammatically, but then again what in my blog is grammatically correct? Nothing. She is extremely long winded and takes 5 sentences to make 1 statement. Gotta love that.
AP- AP is always well dressed and quiet. Again, whats not to love.
So they got briefer and briefer as I went down the list but what can you do. I am, ONCE AGAIN, exhausted from a long day of work. I bought "Truffle" colored Grey's Anatomy scrubs. They were soft and I enjoyed wearing them all day. The store was busy.
Last night I bought a bunch of books from half.com. Some of them are from a list that Dr. Zeig gave us that I wanted for my own, one was a Max Lucado book I stumbled across at work (belonging to my boss Serena) and one was Matilda. Love Matilda.
Characters in my new novel: Becky, Claire, and Jenna. I am growing very attached to these three characters as they develop in my mind (and not in writing, as they should be :/). One of them is basically me, so I guess that makes me vein.
I can't wait to start painting again. I was looking at some old pictures from two summers ago in North Carolina and it reminded me of the place I was in when I took them. It was a place where painting felt so right. What is it about NC that makes me feel so happy? What is it about religious books that makes me feel so happy? It is what it is I suppose :)
Teacher tricks:
1. No "guys", always "boys and girls".
2. Popsicle sticks in a cup with kids names on them to control hand raising and blurting out
3. Stations... there can be stations for everything
4. Science Journals
5. Having children give presentations
6. Giving children jobs to do
Once again, a disappointing and scattered blog post. Oh well! What can you do.