I enjoyed NYC this year for many reasons. First, it was nothing like last year. That sounds harsh so allow me to explain. Last year the trip was riddled with strife because Austin had ten times more energy than the rest of us. It was a LOT windier and colder. We stayed in a hotel that was pretty far downtown, so a subway ride was required to do anything. It wasn't all bad of course. We played a lot of cards, got cozy in big comfy beds, and oh thats right, my boyfriend and I started dating officially.
This year's trip was very different. I attribute this difference to the fact that it was our third trip together as a group (minus Brendan). We were very comfortable and we knew exactly what to do (eat, eat, and eat all the time). This trip allowed us to just relax. Relax so much that the illnesses that our bodies had been fighting during the previous busy busy weeks caught up with us (not Josh though, luckily he stayed healthy). We took our time and we just... enjoyed everything. Soaked it up.
It's so strange when you leave a trip and it becomes a memory. I guess that is one of the reasons that people are resistant when it comes to purchasing trips as apposed to material items. Trips may be temporary, but they are fantastic and I wouldn't trade my ability to travel for most stupid material objects. Don't get me wrong, I love things- my room reflects that love of material possessions. Nothing, however, can beat experiencing and remembering a wonderful vacation.
It's also weird that the Uniform Outlet is now another memory. Things that upset you for a long time suddenly become irrelevant! I told Josh once that this logic is the reason that I cling to certain characters in books and movies so much, because no matter where I am or what I am doing Harry Potter is still Harry Potter, Twilight is still Twilight, The Office is still AMAZING, and well you get the point. This must be how some people look at religion. Comforting.
I didn't go to Christmas Eve service, which makes me sad. It's something I've done every year but our family dinner conflicted with the service that we would have gone to.
I am getting a little sad thinking about next semester because it is going to be so different. Some of the friends that I have made in the last year and a half wont be around anymore, which will be quite the adjustment considering I spent 3 hours a day or more with those people everyday (most of the time laughing my ass off). I'm already becoming nostalgic about college and it hasn't even ended yet. Nostalgia is difficult to deal with sometimes. I left Lauren's house this morning and was overcome with this sense of loss. I spent so much time arriving, occupying, and leaving her house in high school and it makes me sad to think of all of the endings that you experience in life. I guess high school is a silly one to feel nostalgic over because I have no desire to repeat it, but I still have such poignant memories of my friends from that time. Mostly time spent with cross-country and track. The smell of grass still overwhelms me and makes me instantly feel like sprinting.
Today was one of those days that reminded me of why distance from family can be completely healthy. Everyone was tense to the point of snapping. Grandma and Juno were sick. Adam and Juliet were out of their minds. Connie was in trouble. Samanatha and Vicky were there. Grandpa was in the nursing home. It was just difficult because everyone was working to make this dinner happen all day and yet no one necessarily even wanted it. Stick the word "tradition" to something and you automatically have a commitment that people resent. I know its important to do these things, uphold traditions, for grandma's sake. She wouldn't be pleased if we blew off a tradition like Christmas Eve Dinner. However, this year just felt strange and awkward. Everyone is a little bit too tired, too irritated, and too poor to really enjoy gathering one CLUTTERED household. I truly believe that if they just threw everything in that house out, the stress level of its inhabitants would decrease ten fold. Tell me i'm wrong world! Tell me I'm wrong.
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