Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An unexpected turn

Well, some unfortunate things have come to light. I have an annoying ailment that is preventing me from rocking out hard core in the city and I will probably have to go to a clinic tomorrow. I'll spare you the details... just know that I'm bummed!
Today we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and it was just the right thing for a sort of lazy day. We took our time. I particularly enjoyed the Egyptian section... corner... shrine, whatever you want to call it. I wasn't kidding about the shrine. There are some serious monuments in that place.
Josh and Austin have been napping for a few hours, but I couldn't sleep because of my new unfortunate love for coffee (well, fortunate in some respects). We ate at a neat little diner across the street, and we will probably head out for dinner soon.
I really like our hotel. It has a lot of character... a bathroom shared between 4 rooms and 2 twin beds. It has a flat screen t.v., so really theres no need for anything else.
Wish me luck as I once again deal with a stupid little sickness that presents itself at the WORST TIME EVER.

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