Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hopeful. Spring.

Great News! My brother is back from Italy, safe, and about to talk to his boss (who I have babysat for for a few years now) about getting me a job at his restaurant. Pray/cross fingers/donate to charities in my name/sing a song that this may come true because I would love to have a lucrative job when I get home. If not his restaurant, I will be applying to every single restaurant in town. And then some. So here's hoping.
I can really feel spring upon us. I have a pink cardigan that I plan to rock tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about this. I received my USC schedule, and I am extremely excited about starting that.. but I need a tiny break before I start ! Luckily I get about three weeks. In that time, I need to buy a Flip Camera and a Headset. Tech savvy? We'll see.

As my time with Mrs. R comes to a close, I feel compelled to document the things I have learned. I now see how easy it is to become comfortable in a classroom with your ways and methods. It's important to feel comfortable and develop routines, and I think that once I have my own classroom I will feel even more comfortable. I hope that I can always keep things fresh and current. I hope that I never stop loving children. I hope that I can always do the things I want do, even though I wont have two colleagues in the room to help me.

I am losing my train of thought... American Idol is on. :) More later.

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