Thursday, March 11, 2010

Now that I know!

Accepted, accepted, accepted! What a wonderful word. Now I can continue my education. Not that I couldn't before, but Saint Johns River Community College wasn't nearly as exciting as The University of Southern California! Basically, the picture in this featured in this posting might as well be me. Except that I wont be a cheerleader, or living on campus.
But what if I was living on campus... MMM California!
The best part about this, besides all the obvious awesome education-related things, is that I get to shop! I have to buy a camcorder (probably a flip camera, per USC's suggestion), and I get to go buy gobs of USC clothing (per my own suggestion). I don't even own any UF clothing... I guess I should do that before graduating. Maybe just one t-shirt, for good measure. I have to do something to celebrate how UF has affected seems appropriate. In a related story, I am so excited. So here's my new plan of attack:
1. Get this masters by May 2011 (Holler!)
2. Teach until 2016- ish, so that I can pay back my loans (Hooray!)

And thats as far as I have gotten with my accomplishing-things plan.

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